Dr. Jason Plunkett

Dr. Jason Plunkett

Is an Organizational Psychologist, Consultant, Executive Coach and Mental Reframer.

Dr. Jason Plunkett known as "Dr J" to his teams, peers, collogues and students was the first American born of native Belizean parents. He has over 22years of experience counseling, therapy and business coaching. "Dr J" sits on the board of two nonprofit organizations focused on the advancement of youth domestic and internationally. Jason’s life motto is summarized in a quote by his hero, Mother Theresa, “l am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God sending love letters to the world.” Jason earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and earned his Master’s Degree in Psychology with an emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy and his Doctorate Degree (Psy.D.) in Organizational Management.

In addition to his standard education, "Dr J" is also an ordained minster since 2013, expert in human trafficking since 2016, proud husband to his wife, Jackie since 2005 and father of his 4 children and grandfather to his grandson.

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